"Good Architecture" for Iran!

Good Architecture Logo, Courtesy of goodarchitecture.org Published on ISIA website The Institute for Strategic Studies in Iranian Architecture (ISIA), headquartered in Tehran, Iran, has recently launched a long-term research project entitled: Good Architecture (GA). As claimed by the institute, GA is a collective, interactive and collaborative style of research which tends to build a bridge between architecture and its immediate users: the people. As part of its agenda, it aims to approach prominent scholars and practitioners in the world of architecture, planning and design to collect their insights and intellectual thoughts on defining characteristics of a responsive architecture specifically in the context of Iranian cities. This is, perhaps, to depict an intellectual perspective of what a 'good' piece of 'architecture' is meant to be. To cut a long story short, I was contacted by the GA research director, Navid Ganji - who is also the founder...