Cultural Mega-Event, City Centre South and the Destruction of Coventry

SpaceX Event, LTB Showrooms, Coventry. July 1, 2022. I was invited to speak at SPACEX event co-organised by the Centre for Postdigital Cultures and LTB Showrooms in Coventry. SPACEX (Spatial Practices in Art and ArChitecture for Empathetic EXchange) is a European Union-sponsored " transdisciplinary research action, comprising of 1 3 universities and academies and 16 cultural organisations, across 11 EU countries with 1 partner in Palestine, which tends to " respond to the troubling rise of populist nationalism and conflict in European societies by engaging new publics and forging a culture that embraces diversity, difference, and discursive exchange within cities, towns and urban sites." The event entitled ‘ Arts and the urban commons: new visions for the phoenix city ’, will address "the issues arising from Coventry’s year as UK City of Culture. We will hear from artists, curators, researchers and local citizens, this will give an insight in...